The DFFL Players Association (DFFLPA) finally announces the 2024 PA Score Cards. This year marked a difficult process in determining scores. Some owners took great offense to some new rules regarding player drops in-season. After multiple lawsuits and some broken facial bones, the dust settled and the scores are released!
Congratulations to RAF, JWW, and DNF for scoring an A on their 2024 DFFL PA Score Cards!
DFFLPA Scores 2024 were calculated similar to 2023. The first section accounted for number of long-term (LT) contracts paid at auction value of the player (AV). Rookie contacts automatically counted as LT at AV for the owner/franchise.

The second calculation determined number of Franchise Points, 0-#. This calculation can not be negative and is based off numbers of Maguire, Tyson, and Mojo awards received during the 2023 season. Additionally, points were provided based on winning a DFFL Championship, attaining the Highest Score, Top 5 Scorer, and 2023 Playoff berth.

Finally, Team Morale was calculated based off the number of Meme and Noonan awards in the 2023 season. Additionally, franchises incurred negative points for dropping players during the season. A team could drop up to 5 players and receive only a -0.25 point per player penalty. However, after 5 drops and up to 10, a team receives a -0.5 point penalty per player. Finally, if a team drops 10+ players, that team incurs a -1 point per player past 10 from their DFFLPA Score!

The Final Score was calculated using the mean Contract Grade (635 or .632) multiplied by the total franchise and team points. The grade was then scaled by curve, which accounts for the significant gap between lowest and highest score.
RAF, JWW, and DNF received "A's" for highest number of LT contracts at or above AV. UGG received an "F," and SSH and TIU received "D's."...nuts.
PTS had the highest contract number at 22, followed by DNF with 20. Both PTS and DNF attained high grades for contract grading, B- and B+, respectively. Timmy Koffa awards a Kudos and 3 nights of complimentary meals at Betters Diner in Chicago, used at their discretion.
UGG had the lowest number of contracts in DFFL at 12, followed by JWW at 13. UGG received the lowest contract score in DFFL at 20%! Conversely, JWW had the second highest contract score at 92%. President Koffa has banned UGG from the Betters Diner until after contract resigning and pending better contracts for players.
UGG did receive the highest score for Franchise Points at 4.85, followed by PTS at 4.6. The lowest points were given to SSH and DMM, +0.35 and +1.15, respectively. SSH, being the new DFFL franchise, can only watch as his score gets tallied, hoping to rise to respectable levels this season. Players are not happy with DMM, and we can all hope that Lew seizes the initiative this season and signs respectable contracts with respectable players.
RAF received the highest penalty for dropping 17 players in 2023! The penalty exacted a toll of -11.7 points from their otherwise solid contract grade. No other franchise came close, which led to accusations of "RAF Rules" and "Keeping the Best Team Down." Things are still quite touchy at RAF Headquarters and once the dust settled, RAF was several million dollars poorer.
The fewest penalty points given were to PTS, -0.3, and CAB, -0.65. This comes as no surprise as both teams are run by pretty competent DFFL Championship winning owners.
