**UPDATED 3/8/2023***
Here ye! Here ye! The DFFL Players Association is now in session!!
We the DFFL Players Association (DFFLPA) are hereby established in the year 2023 as a voice to the multitude of talented, valuable players who are drafted, contracted, traded, and retired throughout a typical DFFL season.
Our players have largely been on the sidelines as observers over the past 5 years, watching as commissioners and owners produced rule after rule to improve owners' fantasy positions, glory and bragging rights season after season.
We the DFFLPA establish the following by-laws as a way to shed light on those who do all the work for owners and commissioners alike, the PLAYERS!
At the end of each season, during the lull between Super Bowl and NFL Draft, DFFLPA will publish a Franchise Player Assessment (Report Card) for each DFFL Franchise. Criteria will be based on contracts, franchise accolades, and franchise behaviors. (The DFFLPA maintains the right to update these criteria and by-laws as necessary, and in response to new DFFL rules and regulations).
Criteria and By-Laws.
The following provides the criteria for how Franchise Report Cards are graded. Understand that all criteria is provided from player perspective. "Am I valued? Is this a relevant Franchise to play for?" are truly the questions players ask themselves when providing the final score:
I. Each DFFL player contract will be reviewed to determine the following:
A. Term Length. Franchises with Player contracts that are multi-year upon the end of a fantasy season (February 20xx) will receive a multiple of 2 for each contract towards their Report Card.
B. Contract Value. Franchises with Player contracts that are equal to or greater than the beginning of season Fantasy Football Value Sheet will receive a multiple of 3 for each contract towards their Report Card.
i. Multi-year Rookie Contracts automatically receive both Term Length and Contract Value multiples.
a. E.g., CAB Player Chris Olave (WR) with New Orleans Saints is signed to a 4
year contract at Rookie Value of $8 per season. DFFLPA assigns this contract both a multiple of 2 and a multiple of 3. Term Length (LT) = 2 and Contract Value (AV) =3 which adds a whopping 5 points to CAB's DFFLPA Score Card!
2. Each Franchise will be graded as to how successful they are in a season. This will indicate team's overall morale, unity, and response to adversity.
A. Season's Highest Scoring Team. Each season, the Franchise that score the most points at the end of the season will be assigned one point (+1) toward total Positive Points Score (PPS).
B. League's Highest Scoring Players. Franchises with the Top 5 scoring players will be assigned an one point (+1) toward total PPS.
i. A high scorer takes his point with him to each new team traded, until his score is beat or he retires.
C. Playoff Franchises. Teams that make the playoffs will be assigned an additional (+0.75) point toward PPS.
D. DFFL Bowl Winners. Franchises that win a DFFL Bowl will be assigned an additional (+1.5) point toward PPS.
3. Each Franchise will be scored on its successes or failures in-season, based upon negative transactions and weekly performances/awards. This will also indicate team's overall morale, unity, and response to adversity.
A. Negative Marks or Negative Point Score (NPS).
i. Player Drops. A franchise that drops a player, does so only to help their bottom line / CAP. That franchise takes this drastic step in spite of the damage it does to that player and the rest of the league. As a result, each dropped player will receive a (-0.25) point reduction toward NPS.
ii. Meme Awards. Teams that earn a Meme Award will receive a (-0.20) point reduction toward NPS.
iii. Noonan Awards. Teams that earn a Noonan Award will receive a (-0.15) point reduction toward NPS.
B. Positive Marks or Positive Point Score (PPS).
i. Maguire Awards. Teams that earn a Maguire Award will receive a (+0.20) point addition toward PPS.
ii. Tyson Awards. Teams that earn a Tyson Award will receive a (+0.15) point addition toward PPS.
iii. Mojo Awards. Teams that earn a Mojo Award will receive a (+0.15) point addition toward PPS.
1. Contract Grade will be based on each franchise's number of contracts and the number that are long term (LT) and valued at or above auction (AV). This is a simple addition of LT and AV which is then divided by the team's total contract potential (generally larger).
A. Contract Grade will equal the Contract Morale score on the Report Card.
2. Team Unity score is based off ONLY the Positive Point Score, separate from contract morale/score. The grade is determined by taking the highest total PPS number minus the lowest total PPS number; then dividing by 12 (teams in the league) to get the A through F grade range.
3. Team Adversity score is based off the Total Score (PPS + NPS) and measured against the same Team Unity grade range. This score will either be lower or the same as Team Unity - the idea being Unity starts off strong (higher), and is only tested by NPS/Adversity. At least this will be assumed for DFFL teams.
4. Overall Score is calculated using the Total Score (PPS + NPS) and a calculated median of the Contract Grade, which in 2023 is 73% (0.73). The Median (0.73) is multiplied by Total Score to get a number which is added to the Contract Grade Percentage (%).
A. This process prevents Total Score (PPS + NPS) from disproportionately penalizing high contract teams over low contract teams when accounting for Total Score and Final Grade. (e.g., RAF has potential perfect Contract Score of 50 and NUT has a potential perfect score of 100. This is based off all their current contracts being both LT and AV. A median percentage (all DFFL Contract Grades divided by 12) provides a more proportional system to incorporate PPS and NPS points.
i. E.g., RAF has a Total Score of 7.6. 73% of this score becomes 5.55, which is added to the Contract Grade of 88%. The Final Grade is 93% (A).
ii. E.g, NUT has a Total Score of 1.7. 73% of this score becomes 1.24, which is added to the Contract Grade of 80%. The Final Grade is 81% (B+).
An updated DFFL PA Report Card is provided below per the above criteria. As a result of inconclusive data, the Drops portion of the grade is NOT included in this Final Grade. Drops will be calculated starting with next season (2023 Season).
- DFFLPA Leader, Timmy Koffa